Welcome to the behind-the-scenes world of The Cottage, a captivating TV show set in the heart of Lithia, FL. Follow the journey of Shaunessy Dobish, a passionate interior decorator and the visionary owner of The White Oak Cottage. Nestled within this charming locale is a sprawling 5000 square-foot home decor emporium, seamlessly integrated with an intimate 18-table restaurant known for its upscale culinary experiences.

The Cottage delves into Shaunessy’s daily adventures as she transforms spaces into havens and curates delightful experiences for her guests. From navigating design challenges to orchestrating memorable dining moments, each episode offers a glimpse into Shaunessy’s creative process and the vibrant tapestry of life at The White Oak Cottage. Discover the magic behind every meticulously styled room, the flavors that define each dish, and the community that gathers to savor it all. Join us behind the camera to uncover the how The Cottage tv show is brought to life.